School Farm – Feltham Reach Academy
School Farm for Reach Academy in Feltham, London
Project Photo Gallery:

Showing the extent of re-developed area

The chickens will live here!

Grow and learn area

Nigel Boardman speaking to interested pupils and parents on open day

Nigel explaining where sausages come from

Don’t look now but there's a teacher squatting in our house!

Pupils watching the pigs at work
To turn the derelict land in to a school farm, expanding on the traditional ‘grow and learn’ facilities to include livestock. We had a large space to work with and a full range of farming activities to include:
- Super-sized grow and learn raised beds
- Large poly tunnel for growing
- Potting shed for bringing on seedlings
- Large enclosure with hen houses for 20 chickens
- Pig pen for 2 pigs.
We registered the school with DEFRA obtaining a County Parish Holding number to bring the pigs to school. We ensured all the facilities were up to standard and the school was inspected by the City of London.
Reach Academy is a new school which caters for children from 4 years to 18 years. The facilities at the school are second to none and need to bring a learning experience to each school year group. A large area of land to the rear of the school housed old tennis courts which were derelict.